RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "104 species of Rhopalocera \(families\: Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidaeand Nymphalidae\) have been recorded in Warsaw to date. Of these, 98 species were recorded in historical times. Recent records from Warsaw are not available for 30 of them, but they still occur in Poland. This group consists of\: P. ser\-ratulae, A. crataegi, C. palaeno, C. argiades, G. alexis, P. baton, M.arion, P. optilete, B. daphne, N. xanthomelas, E. aurinia, M. phoebe,M. aurelia, and the migratoryN. vaualbum, which is the only species not recorded from Poland since 1922. Contemporary records \(1961 –onwards\) list 75 species. Most of them \(e.g. P. brassicae, P. napi. P. rapae, A. cardamines, C. hyale, L.sinapis, I. io, G. rhamni, L. phlaeas, L. tityrus\) are common throughout the country, but some are regarded as rare \(I. podalirius, M. teleius\). Three species\: C. croceus, V. atalanta and V. cardui,are more or less frequent visitors."]

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Winiarska, Grażyna (1951– ) Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii


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