RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Nematodes colonizing power plant ash dumps. 1, Soil nematodes in ash dumps non-reclaimed and reclaimed by adding mineral soil and sowing grass


Dmowska, Ewa

Date issued/created:


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Nematodes in ash dumps. I ; Soil nematodes in ash dumps non-reclaimed and reclaimed by adding mineral soil and sowing grass


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office

Place of publishing:

Dziekanów Leśny


Pages 231-241 : illustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 240-241)

Type of object:



Soil nematode communities were analyzed (total abundance, number of taxa, diversity indices of genera and species, trophic structure) in ash dumps that were waste products of the coalfired power plants. The samples were taken on four occasions during three years from three sites: nonreclaimed ash, reclaimed for 3-5 years, and reclaimed for 11-13 years. The values of the parameters analysed increased with the time of reclamation. Nonetheless, even after more than ten years of reclamation, nematode communities were more similar to those observed in degraded environments than in grasslands. They consisted mainly of bacterial- and fungal-feeding nematodes, whereas plant-feeders and omnivores were scarce, and predators were absent. All sites were dominated by bacterial-feeding nematodes of the genus Aerobeloides. Among fungal-feeding nematodes, Aphelenchoides were abundant in the initial period of reclamation, and later on Aphelenchus avenae.


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Polish Journal of Ecology





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