Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Tytuł: Towards the theory of susatainable development.

Twórca: 30

Ed. Poskrobko, Bazyli



Adres wydawniczy: 130

Białystok - Warsaw : Białystok School of Economics, 2007

Opis fizyczny: 140

365 s. : il., bibliogr. przy rozdz.

Seria wydawnicza: 150

Studies on Sustainable Development ; 5

Hasła przedmiotowe: 271

rozwój zrównoważony - zagadnienia teoretyczne

ISBN: 310

978-83-923139-2-5 Nukat

Zawiera 180


Zawartość: 190

The idea of sustainable development in the context of the history of humankind / Zdzisława Piątek. - s.11-27 ; Eco-philosohy versus philosophy of sustainable development / Andrzej Papuziński. - s.29-46 ; Ethics of sustainable development / Dariusz Kiełczewski. - s.47-62 ; Sustainable development as a social process / Andrzej Sadowski. - s.63-76 ; Axiological bases of managing human capital in conditions of sustainable development / Franciszek Piontek. - s.77-94 ; Philosophical and axiological assumptions of sustainable development education / Włodzimierz Tyburski. - s.95-105 ; Sustainability in economic theory / Tomasz Żylicz. - s.109-122 ; New institutional economics versus sustainable development / Bogusław Fiedor. - s.123-140 ; Postkeynesianism versus sustainable development / Piotr Jeżowski. - s.141-151 ; Sustainable development in the economics of public sector / Kazimierz Górka. - s.153-164 ; Interpretations of sustainable development in environment economics / Grzegorz Dobrzański. - s.165-195 ; Natural capital in conditions of sustainable development / Bożena M. Dobrzańska. - s.197-219 ; Assumptions of sustainable development economics / Bazyli Poskrobko. - s.221-232 ; From the policy of nature and environmental protection to the policy of sustainable development / Stefan Kozłowski. - s.235-271 ; Information as a basis for implementation of sustainable development / Stanisław Czaja. - s.273-290 ; Time in the concept of sustainable development / Marian Noga. - s.291-302 ; Public finances as instrument for shaping sustainable development / Józefa Famielec. - s.303-320 ; The concept of sustainable development at organization level / Edyta Sidorczuk-Pietraszko. - s.321-341 ; New management system as an instrument of implementation of sustainable development concept / Joanna Ejdys. - s.343-361

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