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Intrusions of the steppe population into the Balkan-Carpathian region in the Early Bronze Age: factors and aspects


Archaeological Reports ; Archäologische Berichte


Ivanova, Svitlana


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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Subject and Keywords:

archaeology ; Budzhak culture ; Yamna culture ; social structure ; exhange ; metals ; salt


The Budzhak culture of the Northwest Pontic region is a part of the Yamna cultural-historical area. Its social hierarchy and the identification of “ritual groups” within it provide important evidence when considering intrusions of the steppe population into the Balkan-Carpathian region. Certain elite grave goods are often associated with individuals buried in certain positions that allow the identification of “ritual groups”. One of these is characterized by supine inhumation with flexed legs, arms stretched along the body. These had high social status in the context of the Budzhak culture and they are the ones that were widespread in Europe. In addition to the well-known Danubian route, other paths from the steppe to the west can be considered (Carpathian-Transylvanian and Prut-Dnistr routes). The principal aim of the movement to the west was probably to obtain metals, which could be exchanged for salt from the estuaries of the Northwest Pontic area.


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