RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Description = "Photography \(scan from a slide\). Harness of two camels belonging to the group of Afridi Pashtuns living in areas of the province of North\-Western Territory in Pakistan. Saddle, bridle, reins, decorative elements. Camels is a traditional mean of in this region. In the background landscape mountain road leading to the Khyber Pass on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This is the main road from the west to the Indian subcontinent, known and described in the literature for hundreds of years. Currently the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Areas inhabited by Pashtuns. On the slopes of the mountains traces of homes posed in this harsh climate. Photo from 1992, A few years after the withdrawal of the Russian army in Afghanistan \(1979\-1989\), and before the outbreak of a new conflict. Because of the war this area is currently \(2013\) dangerous and inaccessible"]

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