Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
There are over twenty Neolithic flint-mining sites in Britain. The location of these sites is examined in relation to the distribution of geological flint deposits. This is followed by a review of investigations that have taken place at these sites. The nature and significance of flint mines in Britain is then discussed
Armstrong, A.L. 1923. Discovery of a new phase of early flint mining at Grime’s Graves, Norfolk. Preliminary Report. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 4:113—25
Armstrong, A.L. 1926. The Grime’s Graves problem in the light of recent researches. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 5:91 – 136
Armstrong, A.L. 1932. The Percy Sladen Trust excavations, Grime’s Graves, Norfolk. Interim report 1927—1932. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 7:57—61
Armstrong, A.L. 1934. Grime’s Graves, Norfolk: report on the excavation of Pit 12. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 7 :382- 94
Booth, A.St.J. and J.F.S. Stone 1952. A trial flint mine at Durrington, Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeol. Mag. 54:381-8
Burleigh, R. 1975. Radiocarbon dates for flint mines. In Second International Symposium on Flint. Maastricht, Engelen, F.H.G. (ed.), 89—91. Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging
Burleigh, R., J. Ambers and K. Matthews 1984. British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XVII. Radiocarbon 26(1): 5 9—74
Bush, P.R. and G. de G. Sieveking 1986. Geochemistry and the provenance of flint axes. In The scientific study of flint and chert, G. de G. Sieveking and M.B. Hart (eds). Cambridge University Press, 7—20
Clark, J.G.D. and S. Piggott 1933. The age of the British flint mines. Antiquity 7:166—83
Clarke, W.G. (ed.) 1915. Report on the excavation at Grime’s Graves, Weeting, Norfolk: 1914. London
Coles, J.M. and M.M. Coles 1975. Check-list of radiocarbon dates relating to archaeological sites in the Levels. Somerset Levels Pap. 1:54—5
Coles, J.M. and B.J. Orme 1976. The Sweet Track, railway site. Somerset Levels Pap. 2:34-65
Collins, A.E.P. 1978. Excavations on Ballygalley Hill, County Antrim. Lister J. Archaeol. 41:15—32
Craddock, P.T., M.R. Cowell, M.R. Leese and M.J. Hughes 1983. The trace element composition of polished flint axes as an indicator of source. Archaeometry 25:135—63
Curwen, E. and E.C. Curwen 1926. Harrow Hill flint mine excavation, 1924—5. Sussex Archaeological Collections 67:103—38
Edmonds, M. 1993. Towards a context for production and exchange: the polished axe in earlier Neolithic Britain. In Trade and exchange in prehistoric Europe, C. Scarre and F. Healy, F. (eds), Oxbow Monograph 33:69—86
Edmonds, M. and P. Bellamy 1991. The flaked stone. In Sharpies, N.M., Maiden Castle. Excavations andfield survey 1987—6. English Heritage Archaeol. Rep. 19:214—29
Evans, J.G. and H. Jones 1981. Subfossil land-snail faunas from Grimes Graves and other Neolithic flint mines. In Grimes Graves, Norfolk. Excavations 1971—72: Volume /, R. Mercer (ed.), 104—11. DoE Archaeol. Rep. 11
Gardiner, J.P. 1984. Lithic distributions and Neolithic settlement patterns in Central Southern England. In Neolithic Studies: a review of some current research, R. Bradley and J. Gardiner (eds), 15—40. Brit. Archaeol. Rep. Brit. Ser. 133
Gardiner, J.P. 1990. Flint procurement and Neolithic axe production on the South Downs: a re-assessment. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 9:119—40
Greenwell, W. 1870. On the opening of Grime’s Graves in Norfolk. J. Ethnol. Soc. Eondon New Ser. 2:419—39
Herne, A. 1988. A time and a place for the Grimston Bowl. In The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends, J.C. Barrett and I.A. Kinnes (eds), 9—29. Sheffield
Herne, A. 1991. The flint assemblage. In I. Longworth, A. Herne, G. Varadell and S. Needham, Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk, 1972—76. Fasc. 9. Shaft X : Bronze Age flint, chalk and metal working, 21-93. London
Holden, E.W. 1974. Flint mines on Windover Hill, Wilmington. Sussex Archaeol. Collect. 112:154
Holgate, R. 1988a. Neolithic settlement of the Thames Basin. Brit. Archaeol. Rep. Brit. Ser. 194
Holgate, R. 1988b. Further investigations at the later Neolithic domestic site and Napoleonic „camp” at Bullock Down, near Eastbourne, East Sussex. Sussex Archaeol. Collect. 126:21-30
Holgate, R. 1991. Prehistoric flint mines. Princes Risborough
Holleyman, G. 1937. Harrow Hill excavations, 1936. Sussex Archaeol. Collect. 78:230—51
James, B. 1977. The flint industry. In The excavation of a Neolithic causewayed enclosure on Offham Hill, East Sussex, 1976, P. Drewett (ed.), Proc. Prehist. Soc. 43:211-8
Kerney, M.P. 1983. Eauria Sempronii from a Neolithic flint mine in Sussex. J. Conchology 31(4)125 8
Lane Fox, A.H. 1869. Further remarks on the hill forts of Sussex: being an account of excavations in the forts at Cissbury and Highdown. Arch. 42:53—76
Lane Fox, A.H. 1876. Excavations in Cissbury Camp, Sussex. J. Roy. Anth. Inst. 5:357—90
Lech, J. 1992. Stefan Krukowski i początki badań nad pradziejowym górnictwem krzemienia w Polsce (1919—1939). In Prof. Stefan Krukowski (1890—1982) — Działalność archeologiczna i jej znaczenie dla nauki polskiej, J. Lech and J. Partyka (eds), 129-61. Ojców
Legge, A.J. 1981. The agricultural economy. In Grimes Graves, Norfolk. Excavations 1971-72: Volume /, R. Mercer (ed.). DoE Archaeol. Rep. 11
Manby, T.G. 1988. The Neolithic period in Eastern Yorkshire. In Archaeology in Eastern Yorkshire, T.G. Manby (ed.), 35—88. University of Sheffield Dept, of Archaeology and Prehistory
Mercer, R.J. 1981. Grimes Graves, Norfolk: Excavations 1971—72. DoE Archaeol. Rep. 11
Mercer, R.J. 1987. A flint quarry in the Hambledon Hill Neolithic enclosure complex. In The human uses of flint and chert, G. de G. Sieveking and M.H. Newcomer (eds), 159—63. Cambridge University Press
Mortimore, R.N. 1986a. Controls on Upper Cretaceous sedimentation in the South Downs with particular reference to flint distribution. In The scientific study of flint and chert, G. de G. Sieveking and M.B. Hart (eds), 21—42. Cambridge University Press
Mortimore, R.N. forthcoming. Geological background. In The Neolithicflint mines in Sussex: results of fieldwork, 1984—86, R. Holgate (ed.)
Mortimore, R.N. and C.J. Wood 1986. The distribution of flint in the English Chalk, with particular reference to the ’Brandon Flint Series’ and the high Turonian flint maximum. In The scientific study of flint and chert, G. de G. Sieveking and M.B. Hart (eds), 7—20. Cambridge University Press
Newcomer, M.H. and G. de G. Sieveking 1980. Experimental flake scatter-patterns: a new interpretative technique. J . Fid. Archaeol. 7:345—52
Park-Harrison, J. 1878. Further discoveries at Cissbury. J . Roy. Anth. Inst. 7:412
Peake, A.E. 1913. An account of a flint factory, with some new types of flints, excavated at Peppard Common, Oxon. Arch. J . 70:33—68
Peake, A.E. 1914. Notes on the implements from the factory sites at Peppard, Oxon. Proc. Prehist. Soc. Fast Anglia 1:404—20
Peake, A.E. 1917. Presidential address to the PSEA 1917 — further excavations at Grime’s Graves. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 3:73—93
Pull, J.H. 1932. The flin t miners o f Blackpatch. Williams and Norgate
Pye, E.M. 1968. The flint mines at Blackpatch, Church Hill and Cissbury, Sussex. A report on the late J.H . Pull's excavations 1922—1944. Unpublished MA dissertation, University of Edinburgh
Richards, J. 1990. The Stonehenge Environs Project. English Heritage Archaeol. Rep. 16
Salisbury, E.F. 1961. Prehistoric flint mines on Long Down, Eartham, 1955--1958. Sussex Archaeol. Collect. 99:66—73
Saville, A. 1981. The flint assemblage. In R.J. Mercer 1981
Saville, A. 1994. The Den o f Boddam project: excavation and survey on the Buchan Ridge Gravels, Grampian Region, in 1999. Unpublished report: National Musuems of Scotland Artefact Research Unit
Sieveking, G. de G., I.H. Longworth, M.J. Hughes, A.J. Clarke and A. Millett 1973. A new survey of Grime’s Graves — first report. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 39:182—218
Sieveking, G. de G. 1979. Grimes Graves and prehistoric European flint mining. In Subterranean Britain. Aspects of underground archaeology, Crawford, H. (ed.), 1—43. John Baker
Smith, R.A. 1912. On the date of Grime’s Graves and Cissbury flint-mines. Arch. 63:109-58
Smolla, G. 1987. Prehistoric flint mining: the history of research — a review. In The human uses of flin t and chert, G. de G. Sieveking and M.H. Newcomer (eds), 127—9. Cambridge University Press
Stone, J.F.S. 1931. Easton Down, Winterslow, S. Wilts, flint mine excavation, 1930. Wiltshire Archaeol. Mag. 45:350—72
Stone, J.F.S. 1933a. Excavations at Easton Down, Winterlow, 1931—32. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 46:225—42
Stone, J.F.S. 1933b. A flint mine at Martin’s Clump, Over Wallop. Proc. Hampshire Fid. Club Archaeol. Soc. 12:177—80
Wade, A.G. 1922. Ancient flint mines at Stoke Down, Sussex. Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia 4:82—91
Willett, E.H. 1880. On flint workings at Cissbury, Sussex. Arch. 45:337—48
Wood, E.S. 1952. Neolithic sites in West Surrey. Surrey Archaeol. Collect. 52:11—28
Woodman, P.C. 1992. Excavations at Mad Mans Window, Glenarm, Co. Antrim: problems of flint exploitation in East Antrim. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 58:77—106
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