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Title: Radiocarbon Chronology of the post-LBK Malice Culture in Lesser Poland


Kadrow, Sławomir

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Archaeological Reports ; Archäologische Berichte


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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A series of new radiocarbon dates from Neolithic Malice Culture (MC) sites in Lesser Poland allow for making significant corrections in the absolute chronology of this culture. Bayesian modelling of a series of MC dates made it possible also to specify the absolute chronology of individual phases of the development of this culture. The early classic phase (MC1a) is around 4800-4700 BC, the classic phase (MC1b) between 4700 and 4450 BC, and the late phase (MC2) between 4450 and 4200 BC. In addition, the review of the definitions of the MC phases and their new absolute chronology allow for the synchronization of their development with the cultural units in the Tisza basin. Phase MC1b developed parallel to phase III of the Herpály culture, phase MC1c to Proto-Tiszapolgár (layer 5 on the Herpály tell), and phase MC2 with the Tiszapolgár culture.


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