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Title: Z dziejów kolekcji bursztynu w Polsce przedrozbiorowej. Cz. I: Okazy bursztynu z kolekcji Nathanaela Sendela w zbiorach drezdeńskich Augusta II Mocnego — edycja źródłowa elbląskiego inwentarza ofertowego z 1724 r.


Pękacka-Falkowska, Katarzyna ORCID

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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 23 cm

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The paper presents the circumstance of the sale of the amber collection of the Elbing (present-day Elbląg) city physician Nathanael Sendel to Dresden for the royal collection in 1725, and as an appendix, the 1724 offering/bid inventory itself. N. Sendel was one of the most important collectors of succinite in Royal Prussia and the author of numerous works on amber. The value of the source stems from the fact that it reveals the scope and character of N. Sendel’s original collection, and complements later inventories of the royal collections produced by Johann Heinrich von Heucher and their subsequent custodians.


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