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Title: Wiejskie przymiarki (napłatki) na Śląsku w XIII–XIV wieku — propozycja typologii i wybrane zagadnienia szczegółowe


Fokt, Krzysztof ; Legut-Pintal, Maria

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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 23 cm

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The aim of the paper is to systematise and complement knowledge about so-called excesses (Polish: przymiarki, namiarki, zbytki, napłatki, German: Überschar), which were additional parcels of land admeasured beyond the area of peasants’ fiefs. It is based on the analysis of published Silesian written sources from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The ways of creating the excesses, like the measurements and alienations of plots, were discussed in detail. Attention was also paid to the legal status of those plots, their devolution to dominions, episcopal claims to tithes from them, as well as reasons that might have made landlords qualify particular pieces of land as excesses. For two Silesian villages (Pakosławice and Górzec), preserved maps allowed to confront the data from mediaeval documents with their topography and admeasurement before the separation and new division of fields in the 1820s.


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