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Bog deposit of burnt human remains from site 2 in Modlniczka, dist. Cracow = Depozyt bagienny przepalonych szczątków ludzkich ze stanowiska 2 w Modlniczce, pow. krakowski
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Bog deposit of burnt human remains from site 2 in Modlniczka, dist. Cracow = Depozyt bagienny przepalonych szczątków ludzkich ze stanowiska 2 w Modlniczce, pow. krakowski


Byrska-Fudali, Małgorzata ; Przybyła, Marcin M.

Date issued/created:


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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 62 (2010)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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One of the most important features discovered at the site 2 in Modlniczka is a deposit of burnt human remains with elements of grave goods, having been placed into a boggy basin adjoining to the fossil river bed. The deposit contained a part of burnt human bones and tiny elements of grave offerings that were left on the spot of cremation and were not put into the graves. It was laid in a single event. Bones with grave goods had been accumulated within some sort of “houses of the dead” and afterwards, at the moment of abandonment of the settlement by its inhabitants, they were sunk in nearby swamp. The deposit from Modlniczka is distinctive in terms of wide chronological frames of artefacts gathered within it. The oldest of them are dated to phase A2 of the younger Pre-Roman period (Tyniec group), whereas, the youngest ones are ascribed to phase C2 of the Roman period or slightly later (Przeworsk culture). Co-existence in the deposit may be considered as a confirmation of cultural continuation between above-mentioned taxonomic units


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