RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Some Results of the Experimental-Traceological Expedition at Bodaki


Skakun, Natalia ; Plisson, Hugues

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 66 (2014)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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During the Experimental-traceological expedition the Insitute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a wide-range of research of manufacturing techniques and the uses of ancient tools which include: studying the various ways of processing different types of raw materials, including large flint nodules for the manufacture of long blades, they examined different means used to make various types of tools, including inserts and compiled a reference collection of replicas of ancient tools and their different functions. The expedition had a summer school with a tutorial, educating the participants with the bases of use-wear analysis, a system of carrying out a full cycle of scientific experiments was organized: from choosing the raw materials, preparing for processing, producing the replicas of the ancient tools, studying the utilization of tools by means of the use-wear marks left on them and recording all the findings of the experimental-traceological researches


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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne



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