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Title: Firing conditions and properties of the Roman Period grey ceramics


Archaeologia Polona Vol. 46 (2008)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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il. ; 24 cm

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Properties of the archeological ceramics of the Late Roman Period from Zofipole near Cracow (Poland), were tested as well as raw material samples made from potential sources and fired in the laboratory kiln in oxidising and reducing atmospheres. Density, bulk density, porosity, specific surface area BET, DTA, DTG and ultrasonic wave speed were measured. It was stated that properties of the samples fired in reducing atmosphere were slightly better in comparison with oxidising one. The main reason of grey colour of the Roman Period ceramics is carbon residue as the result of relatively high content of the organic matter in the clayey materials and reducing firing conditions. In the Roman times grey ceramics was most popular in Central and Eastern Europe, while the red one in the Mediterranean area. The main reasons of this phenomenon were local cultural traditions supported by abundance of clayey materials with relatively high content of organic matter, simplicity of firing process in reducing atmosphere at low temperatures, and better properties of the vessels


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Archaeologia Polona



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