RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Tyrawa Solna. Salz, Siedlungen und eine Magnetometerprospektion an der Tyrawka in den Salzbergen der Beskiden


Dębiec, Maciej ; Posselt, Martin ; Saile, Thomas

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 67 (2015)


Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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The landscapes on both sides of the lower course of the Tyrawka River, a tributary of the San, cannot be regarded as favourable for settlement. Nevertheless, a dense concentration of archaeological sites has been recorded. A reason for this observation might be seen in the local deposits of salt and copper, exploitation of which would have compensated the environmental disadvantages. Magnetometer survey has been conducted on part of a Linienbandkeramik (Linear Pottery Culture) settlement site close to one of the local salt springs.


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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne



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