RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: An attempt at interpreting untypical modifications of flint arrowheads: an experimental and use-wear perspective


Wolski, Damian ; Kalita, Mateusz

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 67 (2015)


Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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il. ; 25 cm

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This paper summarizes the findings from the research into modifications formed as a result of storing and transporting flint copies of arrowheads inside a leather quiver. The study was inspired by the fact that Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age projectile points bear untypical microwear traces interpreted in many different ways in the literature on the subject. The aforementioned features (detected primarily in the uppermost parts of the artefacts) include: hide working polish as well as co-existing rounding and smoothing of the surface. With the aim of gaining a deeper insight into the subject, the authors conducted an experiment and performed a traceological analysis of arrowheads replicas. During the experimental phase, the microwear formation process was monitored using the microscopic equipment. As a result, distinctive traces on the tools were identified. This fact supported the hypothesis that leather quiver exerts its impact on the arrow points stored inside.


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