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Title: Dělnický dům a proměny sociálně vyloučené oblasti. Případová studie lokality Brno-Cejl


Brožovičová, Klára ; Pospíšilová, Jana

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Journal of Urban Ethnology 13 (2015)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN

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ill. ; 24 cm

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The first textile factory in the former cadastral municipality Horní a Dolní Cejl (Upper and Lower Cejl, today Brno-North) was established in the 1750s. At the beginning of the 19th century there were already seven large textile factories in the area. In the first half of the 19th century, two– or multi-storey courtyard balcony apartment houses were built, providing accommodation to textile factory workers who came to Brno from the surrounding villages. Brno was called the Moravian Manchester at that time. The character of a manual workers’ suburb has been preserved in the Cejl locality until now. The locality has been described as socially excluded, with a high percentage of Roma inhabitants living in unsuitable and run-down flats. At the same time, the locality reflects a selective process of gentrification alongside globalization. Qualitative research of two selected three-storey courtyard balcony houses was conducted between 2007–2010 within the CONDENSE project supported by VolkswagenStiftung (Socio-Spatial Consequences of Demographic Change in Central Eastern European Cities. Potentials and Limits of an Exchange of Experiences from Western Europe and Eastern Germany). The research further focused on the gentrification process in the locality while exploring goals and strategies of the participants and their impact on the integration process or exclusion of the Roma inhabitants of the locality


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