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Title: A Late Medieval Sword from the River Wisła near Gniew (Mewe) in Pomerelia


Żabiński, Grzegorz

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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae. Fasc. 30 (2017)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch

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ill. ; 29 cm

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This paper discusses a find of a Late Medieval sword from the River Wisła near Gniew (Mewe) in Pomerelia. The sword is lavishly ornamented, both on its pommel and the blade. The pommel is decorated with a Greek cross. On the tang there are swordmaker’s marks made with a chisel. The blade is ornamented with incised marks, filled with nonferrous alloy: an S in a double circle, two crosses fourchée, a cross crosslet in a single circle, an A, an R, and a partially preserved cross pattée in a double circle. On the other flat there is a cross pattée in a single circle, two crosses fourchée, a six-petal rosette, an h, an E, and an S in a double circle. The sword can be classified as E. Oakeshott’s Type XIIIa, J, 2 and dated to c. 1300-1350. ; There are numerous analogies to marks which can be seen on the sword. The entire ornamental program of the sword in all probability had both a devotional and protective apotropaeic significance. The sword can be seen in the context of similar sword finds from the territory of the Teutonic Order’s state and its neighbourhood, as well as other swords whose ornament may be related to Crusade symbolism. It can therefore be suggested that the sword may have belonged to a knightly guest of the Order who participated in a Crusade against Baltic pagans.


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