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Title: Christianisation of children’s death in Western Pomerania


Romanowicz, Paulina

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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 51-52 (2013-2014)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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24 cm

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Christianity was adopted in Western Pomerania at the beginning of the 12th century. The new religion with its practices and beliefs brought many social and cultural changes to people’s lives. A missionary, St. Otto of Bamberg, taught about the new habits, also the funerary practices. The influence of Christianisation on the burial rites in Western Pomerania is clearly visible in the archaeological material, and therefore also the children’s graves. There are four excavated cemeteries that show us the scale of the changes. Two come from the period just before the arrival off formal Christianity: Wolin-Młynówka and Uznam-Am Hain, and two are connected with Otto’s mission: Lubin and Uznam-Priesterstrasse. The main differences consist in the higher percentage of children’s graves, clear east-west orientation of the skeletons and the absence of the cremation graves in Christian cemeteries. Thus the differences are subtle and connected mostly with the ‘adult’ Christianity


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Archaeologia Polona



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