RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Middle Ages\-19th c. \-\- Romania] OR [Subject and Keywords = history of Romanian towns] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban archaeology] OR [Subject and Keywords = medieval\-19th c. urban architecture \-\- Romania] OR [Subject and Keywords = material culture of Middle Ages\-19th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = cultural heritage of Romanian towns] OR [Subject and Keywords = architectural monuments \(Suceava, Romania\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Suceava \(Romania\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = średniowiecze\-w. 19 \-\- Rumunia] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia miast rumuńskich] OR [Subject and Keywords = archeologia miejska] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura miejska średniowieczna\-w. 19 \-\- Rumunia] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura materialna średniowiecza\-w. 19] OR [Subject and Keywords = dziedzictwo kulturowe miast rumuńskich] OR [Subject and Keywords = zabytki architektury \(Suczawa, Rumunia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Suczawa \(Rumunia\)] OR [Title = Cetatea Sucevii descrisă pe temeiul propriilor cercetări făcute între 1895 şi 1904] OR [Title = Cetatea Sucevii descrisă pe temeiul propriilor cercetări făcute între 1895 şi 1904] OR [Creator = Romstorfer, Karl A.] OR [Creator = Romstorfer, Karl A.]

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