RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Aging] OR [Subject and Keywords = Daidzein \- phytoestrogen] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mitochondria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mitochondrial dynamics] OR [Subject and Keywords = Oxidative stress] OR [Subject and Keywords = Daidzeina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mitochondria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Starzenie się] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stres oksydacyjny] OR [Title = Mechanizmy adaptacji mitochondriów w pierwotnych fibroblastach ludzkich we wczesnych etapach starzenia \- efekt daidzeiny \: praca doktorska] OR [Creator = Piecyk, Karolina]

Number of results: 14

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Kulmatycki, Włodzimierz Julian (1895–1939)


Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832) Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc (1707–1788)


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