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Fotografia i wydarzenie
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Fotografia i wydarzenie


Jay, Martin

Data wydania/powstania:


Typ zasobu:

Obraz ; Tekst

Inny tytuł:

Teksty Drugie Nr 5 (2011)


Bilczewski, Tomasz : Tł. ; Szczerba, Mateusz : Tł.



Miejsce wydania:



21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.

Typ obiektu:



1. A. Badiou, Being and the event, trans. O. Feltham, Continuum, London 2006.
2. A. Badiou, Deleuze. The clamor of being, trans. L. Burchell, University of Minnesota Press , Minneapolis 2000.
3. A. Badiou, Święty Paweł. Ustanowienie uniwersalizmu, trans. J. Kutyła, P. Mościcki, wstęp K. Dunin, Korporacja Ha!art, Kraków 2007.
4. A. Badiou, The event in Deleuze, „Parrhesia” 2007 nr 2.
5. R. Barthes, Światło obrazu. Uwagi o fotografii, przeł. J. Trznadel, Aletheia, Warszawa 2008, s. 51.
6. G. Batchen, Photography degree zero. Reflections on Roland Barthes’ ‘Camera Lucida’, Routledge, Cambridge 2009.
7. A. Benjamin, The plural event. Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger, Routledge, New York–London 1993.
8. G. Bennington, Lyotard. Writing the event, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1988.
9. V. Bergen, The precariousness of being and thought in the philosophies of Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou.
10. J. Berger, Understanding a photograph, w: Classic essays in photography, ed. A. Trachtenberg, Leete’s Island Books, New Haven 1980, s. 293.
11. R. Bernasconi, The question of language in Heidegger’s history of being, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands (N.J) 1985, rozdz. 6.
12. F. Braudel, The Mediterranean, w:Histories. French constructions of the past, ed. J. Revel i L. Hunt, New Press, New York 1995, s. 118.
13. N. Bryson, Tradition and desire. From David to Delacroix, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge l987
14. P. Burke, History of events and the revival of narrative, w: New perspectives on historical writing, ed. tenże, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park (Pa.) 1992, s. 233.
15. A. Calcagno, Badiou and Derrida. Politics, events and their time, Continuum, London 2007, s. 98-109.
16. S. Cohen, The use and abuse of history according to Jean-François Lyotard, „Parallax” 2000 nr 17 (październik-grudzień).
17. G. Deleuze, The logic of sense, trans. M. Lester i Ch. Stivale, ed. C.V. Condas, Columbia University Press, New York 1990, s. 1.
18. J. Derrida, A certain impossible possibility of saying the event, „Critical Inquiry” 2007 nr 33 z. 2, s. 446.
19. J. Derrida, Marginesy filozofii, przeł. A. Dziadek J. Margański, P. Pieniążek, KR, Warszawa 2002, s. 402.
20. J. Derrida, Specters of Marx. The state of the debt, the work of mourning, and the new international, trans. P. Kamuf, Routledge, New York 1994.
21. T. de Duve, Time exposure and snapshot: The photograph as paradox, w: Photography theory, ed. J. Elkins, Routledge, New York–London 2007, s. 109.
22. B. Egyed, Counter-actualization and the method of intuition, w: Deleuze and philosophy, pod ed. C.V. Boundas, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2006.
23. J. Elsner, Art History as Ekphrasis, „Art History” 2010 no 1 (33), s. 13.
24. Th.R. Flynn, Michel Foucault and the career of the historical event, w: At the nexus of philosophy and history, ed. B. P. Dauenhauer , University of Georgia Press, Athens (Ga.) 1987.
25. Th.R. Flynn, Sartre, Foucault and historical reason. A poststructuralist mapping of history, t. 2. rozdz. 1, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2005.
26. M. Foucault, Porządek dyskursu, przeł. M. Kozłowski, słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2002, s. 40.
27. P. Hallward, Badiou. A subject to truth, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2003, rozdz. 5.
28. A. Hollywood, Saint Paul and the New Man, „Critical Inquiry” 2009 nr 4 (35), s. 869.
29. M. Inwood, A Heidegger dictionary, Blackwell, Oxford l999.
30. M. Jay, Marxism and totality. The adventures of a concept from Lukács to Habermas, University of California Press, Berkeley 1984, rozdz. 7.
31. M. Jay, The lifeworld and lived experience, w: A companion to phenomenology and existentialism, ed. H.L. Dreyfus i M.A. Wrathall, Blackwell, Malden (Mass.) 2006.
32. E. Kleinberg, Generation existential. Heidegger’s philosophy in France, 1927-1961, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2005.
33. N. Lucy, A Derrida dictionary, Blackwell, Malden (Mass.) 2004.
34. J.-F. Lyotard, Libidinal economy, trans. I. Hamilton Grant, Indiana University Press, Bloomington (Ind.) 1993.
35. J.-F. Lyotard, March 23, w: Political writings, trans. B. Readings i K.P. Geiman, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1993.
36. J.-F. Lyotard, The sign of history, w: The Lyotard reader, ed. A. Benjamin, Blackwell, Cambridge (Mass.) l989, s. 400.
37. E. Morin, Le retour de l’évenément, „Communications” 1972 nr 18.
38. J. Mullarkey, Post-continental philosophy. An outline, Continuum, New York 2006.
39. J.-L. Nancy, The surprise of the event, w: Hegel after Derrida, ed. Stuart Barnett, Routledge, London, 1998.
40. J.-L. Nancy, The surprise of the event, w: Hegel after Derrida, s. 91.
41. J.-L. Nancy, The experience of freedom, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1993, rozdz. 11.
42. F. Nietzsche, To rzekł Zaratustra, przeł. S. Lisiecka i Z. Jaskuła, PIW, Warszawa 1999, s. 170.
43. P. Nora, Le retour de l’évenément, w: Faire de l’histoire, red. J. le Goff i P. Nora, t. 1, Gallimard, Paris 1974.
44. P. Patton, Events, becoming and history, w: Deleuze and history, ed. J.A. Bell i C. Colebrook, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2009.
45. Ch. Prendergast, Napoleon and history painting, Oxford University Press, Oxford l997.
46. T. Rockmore, Heidegger and French philosophy. Humanism, anti-Humanism and being, Routledge, London 1995.
47. A. Sa’adah, T. Crow, Protest in Paris ’68: Photographs by Serge Hambourg, introd. K. Hart, Hood Museum of Art, Hanover 2006.
48. H. White, Formalist and contextualist strategies in historical explanation, w: Figural realism: Studies in the mimesis effect, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999.


Teksty Drugie



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Artykuł naukowy oryginalny



Identyfikator zasobu:

oai:rcin.org.pl:48425 ; 0867-0633


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Jay M. - Fotografia i wydarzenie 2 paź 2020


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