RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Córki Miltona


Borkowska, G.

Date issued/created:


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Teksty Drugie Nr 2 (1990)



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21 cm

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1. R. Barthes, Le Plaisir du Texte, Paris, 1973.
2. R. Barthes, S/Z, Essai, Paris. 1970.
3. S. Felman, Le Scandale du corps parlant. Don Juan avec Austin ou la séduction en deux langues, Paris 1980.
4. J. Gallop, Annie Leclerc Writing a Letter, with Vermeer, w: The Poetics of Gender, ed. N. K. Miller, Columbia University Press, New York 1986, s. 117-132.
5. J. Gallop, » Writing and the Sexual Difference«: The Difference Within, "Critical Inquiry", Summer 1982, vol. 8, nr 4, s. 799 i 804.
6. S. M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, «Forward into the Past» The Complex Female Affiliation Complex, w: Historical Studies and Literary Criticism, ed. J. Mc Gann, The University of Wisconcin Press, 1985, s. 240—265.
7. S. M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, New Haven, London, Yale University Press, 1980 (wyd. 2), s. 3.
8. S. Gubar, "The Blank Page and the Issues of Female Creativity, "Critical Inquiry" Winter 1981, vol. 8, nr 1, s. 243-263.
9. C. G. Heilbrun, A Response to «Writing and Sexual Difference», "Critical Inquiry", Summer 1982, vol. 8 nr 4, s. 805-811.
10. L. Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, Paris 1977, s. 78.
11. M. Jacobus, Difference of View, w: Women Writing and Writing about Women, ed. M. Jacobus, London, Oxford University Women's Studies Comittee, 1979, s. 12.
12. M. Jacobus, The Question of Language: Men of Maxims and The Mill on the Floss, "Critical Inquiry", Winter 1981, vol. 8, nr 1, s. 207-222.
13. B. Johnson, Różnica krytyczna, przeł. M. Adamczyk, "Pamiętnik Literacki 1986, z. 2.
14. B. Johnson, The Critical Difference, "Diacritics", czerwiec 1978.
15. J. Kristeva, La Révolution du language poétique, Paris 1974.
16. A. W. Labuda, Rec: Le Roman à thèse ou l'autorité fictive, Paris 1983, "Pamiętnik Literacki" 1986, z. 2.
17. R. Lakoff, Język a sytuacja kobiety, przeł. U. Niklas, w: Język w świetle nauki, wyb. i wst. B. Stanosz, Warszawa 1980.
18. V. B. Leitch, Deconstructive Criticism. An Advanced Introduction, Columbia University Press, New York 1983.
19. V. B. Leitch, Hermeneutyka, semiotyka i dekonstrukcjonizm, przeł. G. Borkowska, "Pamiętnik Literacki" 1986, z. 3.
20. M. Mclean, Oppositional Practices in Women's Traditional Narrative, "New Literary History", Autumn 1987, vol. 19, nr 1, s. 37-48.
21. N. K. Miller, The Arachnologies: the Woman, the Text and the Critic, w: The Poetics of Gender, ed. N. K. Miller, Columbia University Press, New York 1986, s. 270-288.
22. E. Showalter, Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness, "Critical Inquiry", Winter 1981, vol. 8, nr 2, s. 191-192.
23. E. Showalter, Piecing and Writing, w: The Poetics of Gender, ed. N. K. Miller, Columbia University Press, New York 1986, s. 222-245.
24. C. R. Stimpson, Zero Degree Deviancy: The Lesbian Novel in English, "Critical Inquiry", Winter 1981, vol. 8 nr 2, s. 363-379.
25. S. R. Suleiman, Le Roman à thèse ou l'autorité fictive, Paris 1983.
26. S. R. Suleiman, Pornography, Transgression and Avant-garde, w: The Poetics of Gender, ed. N. K. Miller, Columbia University Press, New York 1986, s. 117-132.
27 M. Wittig, The Mark of Gender, w: The Poetic of Gender, ed. N. K. Miller, Columbia University Press, New York 1986, s. 63-72.


Teksty Drugie



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oai:rcin.org.pl:234478 ; 0867-0633


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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund



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Borkowska G. - Córki Miltona Apr 6, 2022


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