RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Mary Hutton, czartyzm i echa powstania listopadowego


Berkan-Jabłońska, Maria

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Wiek XIX, Rok VII (XLIX) 2014


Zarząd Główny Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza ; Instytut Badań Literackich

Place of publishing:



24 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary

Type of object:



1. T. Campbell, The Downfall of Poland, w: The Pleasures of Hope, Edinburgh 1801.
2. Z. Gołębiowska, Jane Porter – angielska admiratorka Tadeusza Kościuszki, „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio F. Historia” 2001, vol. 56, s. 7–15.
3. J. Goodridge, Nineteenth-Century English Labouring-Class Poets: 1800–1900, vol. 1–3, London 2006.
4. P. Grzegorczyk, Kościuszko w poezji angielskiej, w: Księga pamiątkowa ku czci profesora Stanisława Pigonia, red. Z. Czerny i in., Kraków 1961, s. 241–252.
5. I. Haywood, The Literature of Struggle: An Anthology of Chartist Fiction, Aldershot 1995.
6. I. Haywood, The Revolution in Popular Literature: Print, Politics and the People 1790–1860, Cambridge 2004.
7. J. Holland, Preface, w: Sheffield Manor; and Other Poems, Sheffield 1831.
8. W. Hudson, The Life of John Holland of Sheffield Park, from Numerous Letters and Other Documents Furnished by His Nephew and Executor, John Holland Brammall, London 1874, s. 156.
9. M. Hutton, The Happy Isle; and Other Poems: Electronic Version, electronic text encoded by R. Chang, ed. by Ch. Payne, 2007 [online], British Women Romantic Poets, 1789–1832. An electronic collection of texts from the University of California, Davis, [dostęp: 2014-12-12]: http://digital.lib.ucdavis.edu/projects/bwrp/Works/ huttmhappy.htm
10. M. Hutton, The Happy Isle; and Other Poems, Sheffield 1836.
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12. P. Johnson, Historia Anglików. Narody i cywilizacje, przeł. J. Mikos, Gdańsk 2002.
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15. McGuffey’s Newly Revised Rhetorical Guide, or Fifth Reader of the Eclectic Series: containing elegant extracts in prose and poetry, with copious rules and rhetorical exercises, Cincinnati 1853, s. 139–140.
16. Th. McLean, The Other East and Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Imagining Poland and the Russian Empire, New York 2012.
17. W.C. Newsam, The Poets of Yorkshire: Comprising Sketches of the Lives, and Specimens of the Writings of Those “Children of Song” Who Have Been Natives of, or Otherwise Connected with the County of York, London 1845.
18. Polish Tales by the Authoress of “Hungarian Tales”, London 1833.
19. J. Skowronek, Adam Jerzy Czartoryski 1770–1861, Warszawa 1994 (tam zwł. rozdział VII, s. 209–272, i rozdział IX, s. 324, 332–333)
20. J. Śliziński, Tadeusz Kościuszko w literaturze narodów Europy i Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej, Warszawa 1981.
21. M. Timney, Mary Hutton and the Development of a Working-Class Women’s Political Poetics, “Victorian Poetry” 2011, vol. 49, nr 1, s. 127–146.
22. G.M. Trevelyan, Historia Anglii, przeł. A. Dębnicki, wstęp i przyp. H. Katz, Warszawa 1963.



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Article : original article



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oai:rcin.org.pl:69506 ; 2080-0851 ; 10.18318/wiekxix.2014.1


IBL PAN, call no. P.I.1269 ; click here to follow the link



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Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society

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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Ministry of Science and Higher Education ; Activities popularizing science (DUN)



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