RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = technological democracy] OR [Subject and Keywords = collective action] OR [Subject and Keywords = knowledge] OR [Subject and Keywords = technology] OR [Subject and Keywords = co\-production] OR [Subject and Keywords = hybrid assemblages] OR [Subject and Keywords = demokracja technologiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = kolektyw] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiedza] OR [Subject and Keywords = technologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = współwytwarzanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = zgromadzenia hybrydowe] OR [Title = Gorączka łupkowa albo śmierć termiczna. \(Wokół książki Agaty Stasik \"Współwytwarzanie wiedzy o technologii\"\)] OR [Creator = Wróbel, Szymon]

Number of results: 77

Items per page:

Mrowcewicz, Krzysztof


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