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  • Data wydania/powstania Data związana z konkretnym wydarzeniem cyklu życia zasobu.
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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "In the linear method of evaluation of rodent population size it is important to know how long oat starch remains in the digestive tract in order to determine the spatial activity of these animals. For this purpose, during 48 hours the rodents Clethrionomys glareolus \(Schreber, 1780\), Apodemus flavicollis \(Melchior, 1834\) and Apodemus agrarius \(Pallas, 1771\) received green folder and water as food. After that time period they fasted for one hour, and then each animal was given 5 g of oat grains. Then at 2\-hour intervals for 50 hours 1\-2 animals of each species were killed. The presence of oat starch was determined in the stomach, small intestine and caecum. The reduction of the percent od oats in the stomach with time showed a linear correlation to the time after oats consumption. The minimal time of oasts remaining in the stomach of these rodents was similar in all three species, up to 40 hours. In the small intestine oats were found for the longest \- up to 48 hours \- in field mice, and in the caecum, oats were present in all species throughout the whole experiment, that 50 hours."]

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