  • Typ zasobu
  • Kolekcje
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  • Typ pliku
  • Format treści
  • Dostępność obiektu
  • Data wydania/powstania Data związana z konkretnym wydarzeniem cyklu życia zasobu.
  • Dostęp
Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The skull of 46 Talpa romana stankovici V. et E. Martino, 1931 from Macedonia were examined. Considerable differences were found between the sexes. Males are larger in all cranial dimensions with the exception of interorbital constriction, and have higher values of the coefficients of variation. The size of T. romana stankovici does not depend on the altitude. Differences between three populations groups were found in four or five analysed cranial measurements. Differences between the geographic populations are more important than those between zones of altitude."]

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