RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Fitch live traps] OR [Subject and Keywords = grassland] OR [Subject and Keywords = small mammals] OR [Subject and Keywords = live trap preference] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sherman live traps] OR [Subject and Keywords = preferencja żywołówek] OR [Subject and Keywords = pułapka typu Sherman] OR [Subject and Keywords = pułapka typu Fitch] OR [Title = Live trap preference among grassland mammals] OR [Creator = Rose, R. K.] OR [Creator = Slade, N. A.] OR [Creator = Honacki, J. H.]

Number of results: 120

Items per page:

Richardson, J. H. Shore, R. F. Treweek, J. R.


Mace, G. M. Harvey, P. H. Clutton-Brock, T. H.


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