Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Europe 18th, 19th, 20th c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = women] OR [Subject and Keywords = emancipation of women] OR [Subject and Keywords = women's equal rights] OR [Subject and Keywords = feminism \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europa 18, 19, 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = kobiety] OR [Subject and Keywords = emancypacja kobiet] OR [Subject and Keywords = równouprawnienie kobiet] OR [Subject and Keywords = Feminizm \-\- historia \[KABA\]] OR [Title = At the Dawn of Emancipation] OR [Title = At the Dawn of Emancipation] OR [Creator = Bogucka, Maria \(1929–2020\)] OR [Creator = Bogucka, Maria \(1929–2020\)]