RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Zawicki, Jan] OR [Subject and Keywords = Buchanan, George \(1506\-1582\). Iephtes. Polish] OR [Subject and Keywords = Drama \- 15th and 16th c.\- history and criticism] OR [Subject and Keywords = Christian drama, Polish \- 16th c. \- history and criticism] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zawicki, Jan \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Buchanan, George \(1506\-1582\). Jephtes] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dramat religijny polski \-\- 16 w. \-\- historia i krytyka \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dramat \-\- 16 w. \-\- historia i krytyka \[KABA\]] OR [Title = Opatrzność i wróg \: o Janie Zawickim i jego tragedii \"Jeftes\"] OR [Title = Opatrzność i wróg \: o Janie Zawickim i jego tragedii \"Jeftes\"] OR [Creator = Bedyniak, Jarosław] OR [Creator = Bedyniak, Jarosław]

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