RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = feudalism \- Poland \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = peasants \- Poland \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland \- situation in the countryside \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = Feudalizm \-\- Polska \-\- historia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chłopi \-\- Polska \-\- historia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska \-\- sytuacja na wsi \-\- historia \[KABA\]] OR [Title = Chłopi w Polsce przedrozbiorowej] OR [Title = Chłopi w Polsce przedrozbiorowej] OR [Creator = Kiełbicka, Aniela \( –2009\)] OR [Creator = Kiełbicka, Aniela \( –2009\)]

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