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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = parochial schools] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland 15th\-16th c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Middle Ages] OR [Subject and Keywords = clergy] OR [Subject and Keywords = education] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkoły parafialne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska 15\-16 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = średniowiecze] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowieństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacja] OR [Title = The Parochial School System in Poland towards the Close of the Middle Ages] OR [Title = The Parochial School System in Poland towards the Close of the Middle Ages] OR [Creator = Wiśniowski, Eugeniusz \(1929–2008\)] OR [Creator = Wiśniowski, Eugeniusz \(1929–2008\)]

Number of results: 6 048

Items per page:

Tazbir, Janusz (1927–2016)


Salmonowicz, Stanisław (1931–2022)


Cegielski, Tadeusz (1948– ) Halbersztadt, Jerzy Szumowski, Tadeusz (1951– ) Wiśniowski, Eugeniusz (1929–2008) Wipszycka, Ewa (1933– ) Bylina, Stanisław (1936–2017) Müller, Wiesław (1929– ) Stanowski, Adam (1927–1990) Litak, Stanisław (1932–2010) Gierowska-Kałłaur, Joanna Skowronek, Jerzy (1937–1996) Zmierczak, Maria (1947– ) Wyrozumski, Jerzy (1930–2018) Dąbrowa, Edward (1949– ) Kochanowicz, Jacek (1946–2014) Batowski, Henryk (1907–1999)


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