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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = history of the Polish language] OR [Subject and Keywords = axiolinguistics] OR [Subject and Keywords = metaphor] OR [Subject and Keywords = diachronic approach] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia języka polskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = aksjolingwistyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = metafora] OR [Subject and Keywords = ujęcie diachroniczne] OR [Title = Metaphorisation of values in old Polish  – conventionality of approaches based on the example of the CONCEPT IS CLOTHING metaphor] OR [Title = Metaforyzacja wartości w dawnej polszczyźnie – konwencjonalność ujęć na przykładzie metafory POJĘCIE TO UBRANIE] OR [Creator = Raszewska\-Żurek, Beata]

Number of results: 86

Items per page:

Pisarkowa, Krystyna (1932–2010)


Pracownia Języka Staropolskiego IJP PAN


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