RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "The aim of the paper is to apply the catalog of the most characteristic forms in which the Biblical text circulatedduring this period, recognized by Margriet Hoogvliet, to the Old Polish sources and to answer thequestion about possible differences in using the Bible in texts from divergent groups recognized by Hoogvliet.The article analyses two Old Polish texts referring to the same biblical pericope in Latin, namely, the healingof the courtier’s son \(John 4\: 45–54\). One of the texts comes from a Polish\-Latin collection of preachingmaterials, known as “Kazania augustiańskie”, dated to the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, while thesecond one is included in “Rozmyślanie przemyskie”, the most extensive Polish Apocrypha, dated to wellbefore the beginning of the 16th century. In this paper I discuss the differences between the ways in whichthis pericope had been translated and interpreted in these two texts. The analysis lead to the conclusion thatthe ways of using the fragments of the Bible are different in texts from both groups. The reasons of suchdifferences are mostly the functions of respective texts, and their intended use. Moreover, it can be assumedthat in medieval Poland there were all the forms recognized by Western researchers, even though only traces– but very different from each other – of their presence have preserved."]

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