RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "The aim of this paper is to discuss the main syntactic and semantic features of the Polish predicate śmiać się \(tolaugh\) within the theory of Semantic Syntax \(Karolak 1984, 2002\). It forms two, only seemingly similar, predicate\-argument structures containing a prepositional phrase connected with the Polish preposition z \+ Gen. \(at\)\:1\) \[ktoś\] śmieje się z \[kogoś ABSTR \/ czegoś ABSTR\] \(\[somebody\] laughs at \[somebody ABSTR \/ somethingABSTR\]\) and 2\) \[ktoś\] śmieje się \[z kogoś \/ czyjegoś\], że_ \(\[somebody\] laughs at \[somebody \/ somethingwhat belongs to somebody\] \+ SENT\). The analysis shows they are different in terms of status andsemantic roles of their arguments, axiological markedness, objective or subjective reference of the humourincorporated in the act of laughter. Also, they denote different semantic scenarios\: the first means a vocaland facial reaction to ludic humour, the second constitutes a complex act of speech in which satirical, verbalor non\-verbal humour is used as a pretext to communicate the agent’s disapproving judgment of thepatient, or an antipathetic attitude towards it."]

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