RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Electronic \- materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = solid solution] OR [Subject and Keywords = single crystal] OR [Subject and Keywords = thermochemical properties] OR [Subject and Keywords = Materiały elektroniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Elektronika \- materiały] OR [Subject and Keywords = SrLaAlO4] OR [Subject and Keywords = SrLaGaO4] OR [Subject and Keywords = roztwór stały] OR [Subject and Keywords = monokryształ] OR [Subject and Keywords = własności termochemiczne] OR [Title = Issledovanie strukturnych i termochimičeskich strojstv tverdych rastvorov i monokristallov v sisteme SrLaAlO4 \- SrLaGaO4 = The study of thermochemical and structural properties of SrLaAlO4 and SrLaGaO4] OR [Title = Issledovanie strukturnych i termochimičeskich strojstv tverdych rastvorov i monokristallov v sisteme SrLaAlO4 \- SrLaGaO4 = Badanie własności termochemicznych i strukturalnych roztworów stałych i monokryształów SrLaAlO i SrLaGaO4] OR [Creator = Novoselov Andrej Vladimirovič] OR [Creator = Novoselov Andrej Vladimirovič]

Number of results: 920

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Materiały Elektroniczne


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