RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Y2O3 ceramics] OR [Subject and Keywords = high\-purity silicon] OR [Subject and Keywords = fracture toughness] OR [Subject and Keywords = bending strength] OR [Subject and Keywords = ceramika Y2O3] OR [Subject and Keywords = krzem] OR [Subject and Keywords = odporność na pękanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = wytrzymałość na zginanie] OR [Title = Mechanical strength and fracture toughness of brittle monocrystalline and ceramic materials Marek Boniecki, Paweł Kamiński, Władysław Wesołowski, Konrad Krzyżak.] OR [Title = Mechanical strength and fracture toughness of brittle monocrystalline and ceramic materials Marek Boniecki, Paweł Kamiński, Władysław Wesołowski, Konrad Krzyżak.] OR [Creator = Boniecki, Marek] OR [Creator = Boniecki Marek]

Number of results: 41

Items per page:

Boniecki Marek Gołębiewski Przemysław Węglarz Helena Piątkowska Anna Romaniec Magdalena Krzyżak Konrad


Nossarzewska-Orłowska Elżbieta


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