RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) collected from the heaps with decomposing material in Slovakia


Pseudoscorpions from the heaps with decomposing material ; Zaleszczotki (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) pryzm kompostowych na Słowacji ; Fragmenta Faunistica, vol. 58, no. 2


Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences


Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS

Place of publishing:



P. 111-122 : ill. ; 25 cm ; Bibliogr. p. 120-121.

Type of object:



The first detailed survey of pseudoscorpions living in the heaps with decomposing material (compost heaps, manures) is presented. The research was performed on samples from 33 localities in Slovakia during the years 2012–2014. A total of 1118 pseudoscorpions of ten species in four families was examined during the study. The most abundant family was Chernetidae, whereas the lowest species and specimen numbers were recorded for the families Neobisiidae and Cheliferidae. Chernetid pseudoscorpions of the genus Lamprochernes Tömösváry, 1882 and of thespecies Pselaphochernes scorpioides (Hermann, 1804) were the most abundant. These are typical inhabitants of heapswith decomposing material, in which all their developmental stages, even females with eggs (in the case ofP. scorpioides), can be found. Only one specimen each of Dactylochelifer latreillii (Leach, 1817) and Dinocheiruspanzeri (C.L. Koch, 1831) was found. From a faunistic point of view, the first confirmed Slovakian record of the rarespecies Chthonius ressli Beier, 1956 is notable.


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Fragmenta Faunistica





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