RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Ochogona] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ochogona jankowskii] OR [Subject and Keywords = Enantiulus transsilvanicus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trachysphaera costata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ophyiulus pilosus] OR [Subject and Keywords = morphology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = geographical distribution] OR [Subject and Keywords = new taxa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beskid Mountains] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beskids] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = new species] OR [Subject and Keywords = new subgenus] OR [Subject and Keywords = millepeds] OR [Subject and Keywords = millipedes] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diplopoda] OR [Subject and Keywords = Julidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Glomeridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Craspedosomatidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polyzoniidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leptophyllum transsilvanicum] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gervaisia costata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Laptoiulus fallax] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ceratosoma \(Beskidia\) jankowskii] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ochogona jankowskii \-\- Beskidy \(góry\) \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ochogona \-\- Beskidy \(góry\) \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Enantiulus transsilvanicus \-\- rozmieszczenie geograficzne \-\- Polska \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trachysphaera costata \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ophyiulus pilosus \-\- Polska \-\- morfologia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ophyiulus pilosus \-\- rozmieszczenie geograficzne \-\- Polska \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = krocionogowate] OR [Subject and Keywords = krocionogi] OR [Subject and Keywords = wije] OR [Subject and Keywords = dwuparce] OR [Subject and Keywords = nowy podrodzaj] OR [Subject and Keywords = nowy gatunek] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diplopoda] OR [Subject and Keywords = Julidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Glomeridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polyzoniidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leptophyllum transsilvanicum] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gervaisia costata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Laptoiulus fallax] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ceratosoma \(Beskidia\) jankowskii] OR [Subject and Keywords = Craspedosomatidae] OR [Title = Ceratosoma \(Beskidia\) jankowskii n. subg., n. sp., nebst Bemerkungen über einige interessanten Diplopoden \- Arten aus Polen] OR [Title = Ceratosoma \(Beskidia\) jankowskii n. subg., n. sp., nebst Bemerkungen über einige interessanten Diplopoden \- Arten aus Polen] OR [Creator = Jawłowski, Hieronim \(1887–1977\)] OR [Creator = Jawłowski, Hieronim \(1887–1977\)]

Number of results: 122

Items per page:

Rozwałka, Robert Żurawlew, Przemysław Rutkowski, Tomasz


Fabczak, Jacek Szarek, Józef Markiewicz, Kazimierz Smoczyński, Stefan Skibniewska, Krystyna


Buczyński, Paweł Buczyńska, Edyta Tarkowski, Adam Tańczuk, Agnieszka Bojar, Paweł


Walesiak, Michał Komosiński, Karol Feldman, Benedikt Thorn, Simon


Lesiński, Grzegorz Stolarz, Przemysław Gryz, Jakub Dąbrowski, Radosław Krauze-Gryz, Dagny Skrzypiec-Nowak, Przemysław Świć, Jagoda


Czechowski, Wojciech Radčenko, Aleksandr Grigor'evič


Domínguez, Mónica Barba, Emilio Cantó, José L López, Germán M Monrós, Juan S


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