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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Saltusaphis tuberculata] OR [Subject and Keywords = geographical distribution] OR [Subject and Keywords = new taxa] OR [Subject and Keywords = insects] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = hemipterans] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hemiptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = aphid fauna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aphidoidea] OR [Subject and Keywords = South Korea] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mszyce \-\- Korea Południowa \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mszyce \-\- rozmieszczenie geograficzne \-\- Korea Południowa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Saltusaphis tuberculata \-\- Korea Południowa\-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Saltusaphis tuberculata \-\- rozmieszczenie geograficzne \-\- Korea Południowa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = owady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hemiptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = pluskwiaki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aphidoidea] OR [Title = An annotated list of drepanosiphine aphids \(Hemiptera\: Aphidoidea\) from Korea. Part 1, Saltusaphidinae to Calaphidinae from South Korea with the description of a new species] OR [Creator = Quednau, F. Wolfgang] OR [Creator = Lee, Seunghwan] OR [Creator = Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii]

Number of results: 1 795

Items per page:

Szelęgiewicz, Henryk (1927–1983) Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (1951–1992) Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Zoologii


Szelęgiewicz, Henryk (1927–1983)


Krzywiec, Danuta (1933– ) Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (1951–1992) Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Zoologii


Olesiński, Longin (1929–2003)


Szelęgiewicz, Henryk (1927–1983) Holman, Jaroslav Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (1951–1992) Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Zoologii


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