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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Baltic Sea] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anthozoa] OR [Subject and Keywords = plants] OR [Subject and Keywords = natural history] OR [Subject and Keywords = crystals] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polygala senega] OR [Subject and Keywords = early works to 1800] OR [Subject and Keywords = early printed book] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bałtyk] OR [Subject and Keywords = Morze Bałtyckie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anthozoa] OR [Subject and Keywords = rośliny] OR [Subject and Keywords = nauki przyrodnicze] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia naturalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = kryształy] OR [Subject and Keywords = krzyżownica] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polygala senega] OR [Subject and Keywords = koralowce] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzieła przed 1800] OR [Title = Selectae ex Amaenitatibvs\[\!\] Academicis Caroli Linnaei Dissertationes Ad Vniversam Natvralem Historiam Pertinentes, Qvas Edidit, Et Additamentis Avxit L. B. e S. I. \[i.e. G. L. Biwald\]] OR [Creator = Linné, Carl von \(1707–1778\)] OR [Creator = Biwald, Leopold Gottlieb \(1731–1805\)] OR [Creator = Hasselquist, Fredrik \(1722–1752\)] OR [Creator = Aspelin, Elias \(1721–1795\)] OR [Creator = Fougt, Henricus \(17..\-18..] OR [Creator = Kiernander, Jonas \(1721–1778\)] OR [Creator = Biberg, Isaac Isaacson \(1726–1804\)] OR [Creator = Kähler, Mr̄ten \(1728–1773\)] OR [Creator = Widmanstettersche Erben]

Number of results: 1 083

Items per page:

Scilla, Agostino (1639–1700) Colonna, Fabio (1567–1640) Zempel, Giovanni (fl. 1730-1795) Monaldini, Venancio


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793) Müllersche Buchhandlung


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793)


Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymus (1730–1800) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785)


Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793)


Müller, Carl Ludwig von Korn, Wilhelm Gottlieb (1739–1806)


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793)

Old print

Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd


Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd

1789 (cz. 1-2, 3-4), 1794 (cz. 5-6)

Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793)


Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd


Geer, Charles de (1720–1778) Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785) Goeze, Johann August Ephraim (1731–1793)


Cobres, Joseph Paul von (1737–1825) Brinhauser, Johann Andreas (1757–1814) Stettinische Buchhandlung (Ulm)


Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd

[post 1776]

Bergen, Carl August von (1704–1759) Heyn, Franz Winter, Johann Christian (17..-1791). Druk


Redi, Francesco (1626–1698) Frisius, Andreas (16..-1675). Nakł Coenissen, Petrus (ca 1639-post 1671)


Cobres, Joseph Paul von (1737–1825) Brinhauser, Johann Andreas (1757–1814) Stettinische Buchhandlung (Ulm)


Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph (1742–1810) Walther, Wolfgang (17..-17..). Wyd

[post 1776]

Gualtieri, Niccolo (1475–1553) Albizzini, Gaetano Menabuoni, Giuseppe (ca 1708- ). Il Franciszek I Stefan 1708-1765). (cesarz rzymsko-niemiecki ; Adr. ded Pazzi, Antonio (c. 1706 – 1768)


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