RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Główne kierunki i osiągnięcia badawcze Instytutu Ekologii PAN w zakresie hydrobiologii w latach 1952-1972


Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna ; Kajak, Zdzisław

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Leading trends and most important achievements in hydrobiological research in the Institute of Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences, during the period 1952-1972 ; Kierunki i osiągnięcia hydrobiologii


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 132-156 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 150-154) ; Abstract in English

Type of object:



Durska B. 1970 - Changes in the reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) condition caused by disseases of fungal and animal origin - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 17(30): 373-396.
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Gliwicz Z. M., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A. 1972 - Efficiency of the utilization of nannoplankton primary production by communities of filter feeding animals measured in situ - Verh. int. Vereinig. Limnol. 18: 197-203.
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Godlewska-Lipowa W. A. (w druku b) - Wpływ herbicydów na procesy mikrobiologiczne w ekosystemach wodnych. III. Wpływ herbicydów (TCA, 2,4-D i linuronu) na procesy destrukcji materii organicznej w jeziorach o różnym stopniu eutrofii - Biul. WAM Łódź.
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Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Kowalczewski A., Spodniewska I. 1972 - Field experiment on the factors controlling primary production of the lake plankton and periphyton - Ekol. Pol. 20: 315-326.
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Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Spodniewska I. 1969 - Comparison of the primary production of phytoplankton in three lakes of different trophic type - Ekol. Pol. A, 17: 241-261.
Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Spodniewska I., Węgleńska T., Karabin A. 1972 - The seasonal variation of some ecological efficiencies and production rates in the plankton community of several Polish lakes of different trophy (Productivity problems of freshwaters Eds. Z. Kajak, A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska) - Warszawa-Kraków, 111-127.
Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Węgleńska T. 1970a - The effect of the sampling frequency and the method of assessment on the production values obtained for several zooplankton species - Ekol. Pol. 18: 539-557.
Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Węgleńska T. 1970b - Some relation between production and zooplankton structure of two lakes of varying trophy - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 17: 233-240.
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Kajak Z., Dusoge K., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Pieczyński E., Prejs A., Spodniewska I., Węgleńska T. 1972 - Influence of the artificially increased fish stock on the lake biocenosis - Verh. int. Vereining. Limnol. 18: 228-235.
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Spodniewska I., Grygierek E., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A. 1966 - Some annual successional changes in plankton of temporal water bodies - Verh. int. Vereining. Limnol. 16: 585-591.
Spodniewska I., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Węgleńska T. (w druku) - Wieloletnie zmiany planktonu w eutroficznym Jeziorze Mikołajskim jako wskaźnik jego przyspieszonej eutriofizacji - Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.
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Stańczykowska A. 1964 - On the relationship between abundance, aggregations and "condition" of Dreissena polymorpha Pall. in 36 Masurran lakes - Ekol. Pol. A, 12: 653-690.
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Winberg G. G., Patalas K., Wright J. C., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Cooper W. E., Mann K. H. 1971 - Methods for calculating productivity (A manual on methods for the assessment of secondary productivity in fresh waters, IBP Handbook No. 17, Eds. W. T. Edmondson and G. G. Winberg) - Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxrfor and Edinburgh, 296-317.


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