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Title: The Cucuteni – Trypillia ‘Big Other’ – Reflections on the Making of Millennial Cultural Traditions


Chapman, John ; Gaydarska, Bisserka

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Between History and Archaeology : papers in honour of Jacek Lech


Archaeopress Archaeology

Place of publishing:

Oxford; England


ill. ; 29 cm

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The second methodological revolution for Trypillia mega-sites is leading to an interpretative shift from the study of entire mega-sites to the study of their constituent Neighbourhoods and Quarters. We are now in the process of developing the theoretical implications of this shift, which should lead to a parallel change in social interpretations from the classification of the political structure of an entire mega-site to a more nuanced study of the nested levels of the settlement – person, household, neighbourhood and entire settlement. We begin this theoretical work in this chapter which we take pleasure in dedicating to John’s friend Jacek Lech. It focuses on a neglected, but key, aspect of the research agenda: the Cucuteni–Trypillia ‘Big Other’


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