RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Euskaltasuna. O byciu Baskiem we współczesnym świecie


Mirgos, Katarzyna

Date issued/created:

2015 (2016)

Resource type:



Etnografia Polska 59 Z. 1-2 2015 (2016)


Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



24 cm

Type of object:



The subject of the article is a reflection on the question of the Basque cultural identity in the contemporary world. In order to do so, the authoress analyses the contemporary condition of the Basque culture and the challenges and opportunities standing before it. Among others she examines the significance of the Basque language and the categories of the house and territory in the process of construction of Basque identity. The main hypothesis of this paper concerns the fundamental role of the immigrants in the contemporary Basque culture and identity


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