RCIN is currently being developed by 26 Institutes, mainly within the Polish Academy of Sciences. Below is a list of Partners forming the RCIN Consortium with links to their websites and their respective databases in RCIN:
- Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IAiE PAN ];
- Institute of Literary Research PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBL PAN ];
- Institute of Systems Research PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBS PAN ] ;
- Forest Research Institute PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBL ];
- Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBIB PAN];
- Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBD PAN ];
- Mammal Research Institute PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IBS PAN ];
- W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IB PAN ];
- Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IChB PAN ];
- Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IChF PAN ];
- Institute of Dendrology PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe ID PAN ];
- Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IChO PAN ];
- Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IFiS PAN ];
- Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IGiPZ PAN ];
- Institute of History PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IH PAN];
- Institute of Polish Language PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IJP PAN ];
- Institute of Mathematics PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IM PAN ];
- Mossakowski Medical Research Centre PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IMDiK PAN ];
- Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IPPT PAN ];
- Institute of Slavic Studies PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IS PAN ];
- Institute of Nature Conservation PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IOP PAN ];
- Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IRWiR PAN ];
- Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe ISiEZ PAN ];
- Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe SBŁ-IMiF];
- L.&A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe IHN PAN ];
- Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS [ Repozytorium Cyfrowe MiIZ PAN ];
The beginning of our efforts dates back to 2008, when the Digital Library of PAN Institutes was launched in July, whose continuation is the RCIN portal. The foundation of our activities is the Consortium Agreement from March 2nd 2010, updated on September 14th 2020, which defines not only the goals and principles of Consortium actions, but also assigns tasks to Partners and establishes principles of financing the maintenance of the RCIN platform by Partners in the long term. The agreement assumes indefinite operation of the RCIN platform.
Currently, the leading institution is the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which represents RCIN externally. Another Consortium Partner, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center - PCSS https://www.pcss.pl/, which is an organizational unit for Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, is the designer of IT solutions for RCIN. PCSS provides technical infrastructure and ensures round-the-clock data security. Other Institutes, producers of data, providing content, are responsible for its quality and rules of sharing, taking care of compliance with current regulations. The General Assembly of Consortium Members, represented by Institute Directors, makes strategic decisions as needed. In order to fulfil current tasks, the Support Team has been established, consisting of experts experienced in digitization and scientific information, collection custodians and researchers - representatives of each Institute. The team supports both the leading institution and PCSS in their activities, as a result of which the platform is developed in response to the diagnosed needs of its users.