Search for: [Subject and Keywords = pre\-urban morphology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kraków] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vistula] OR [Subject and Keywords = meandering river] OR [Subject and Keywords = limestone horst] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pleistocene terrace] OR [Subject and Keywords = Holocene floodplain] OR [Subject and Keywords = digital cartogaphy] OR [Subject and Keywords = geostatistics] OR [Subject and Keywords = ordinary krigning] OR [Subject and Keywords = morfologia sprzed urbanizacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kraków] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wisła] OR [Subject and Keywords = rzeka meandrująca] OR [Subject and Keywords = zrąb wapienny] OR [Subject and Keywords = terasa plejstoceńska] OR [Subject and Keywords = holoceńska równina zalewowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = kartografia cyfrowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = geostatystyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = kriging zwyczajny] OR [Title = Reconstruction of the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid\-13th century] OR [Creator = Łajczak, Adam] OR [Creator = Zarychta, Roksana]