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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = railway network diffusion] OR [Subject and Keywords = centrographic measures] OR [Subject and Keywords = gravitational methods] OR [Subject and Keywords = graph methods] OR [Subject and Keywords = hierarchy of spatial units] OR [Subject and Keywords = intervoivodship migration] OR [Subject and Keywords = tills] OR [Subject and Keywords = steppe vegetaton] OR [Subject and Keywords = radiation balance] OR [Subject and Keywords = springs] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lublin Upland] OR [Subject and Keywords = shape of settlement units] OR [Subject and Keywords = philosophical patterns of geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = sylvan ecosystems] OR [Subject and Keywords = acid rain] OR [Subject and Keywords = landscape maps] OR [Subject and Keywords = economic geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = Siberia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mongolia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = dyfuzja sieci kolejowej] OR [Subject and Keywords = miary centrograficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = metody grawitacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = metody grafowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = hierarchia jednostek przestrzennych] OR [Subject and Keywords = migracje międzywojewódzkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = gliny morenowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = roślinność stepowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = bilans promieniowania] OR [Subject and Keywords = źródła] OR [Subject and Keywords = kształt jednostek osadniczych] OR [Subject and Keywords = filozoficzne zagadnienia geografii] OR [Subject and Keywords = ekosystemy leśne] OR [Subject and Keywords = kwaśne deszcze] OR [Subject and Keywords = mapy krajobrazowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia ekonomiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wyżyna Lubelska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Syberia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mongolia] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 53 z. 3 \(1981\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 53 z. 4 \(1981\)]

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