RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = palaeogeography] OR [Subject and Keywords = river valleys evolution] OR [Subject and Keywords = real vegetation mapping] OR [Subject and Keywords = rivers] OR [Subject and Keywords = river channels evolution] OR [Subject and Keywords = precipitation] OR [Subject and Keywords = landscape mapping] OR [Subject and Keywords = landscape taxonomy] OR [Subject and Keywords = mountain landscapes] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = regional divisions] OR [Subject and Keywords = regional geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = expeditions] OR [Subject and Keywords = paradigms of geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = complex physical geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = man and environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = reservoirs] OR [Subject and Keywords = Włocławek Reservoir] OR [Subject and Keywords = Spitsbergen] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bulgaria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rybnik Coal Basin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zakopane] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wieprz River] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vistula river valley] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleogeografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = ewolucja dolin rzecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = kartowanie geobotaniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = roślinność rzeczywista] OR [Subject and Keywords = rzeki] OR [Subject and Keywords = ewolucja koryt rzecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = opady atmosferyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = kartowanie krajobrazu] OR [Subject and Keywords = taksonomia krajobrazu] OR [Subject and Keywords = krajobrazy górskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = podziały regionalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia regionalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = wyprawy badawcze] OR [Subject and Keywords = paradygmat geografii] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia fizyczna kompleksowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = człowiek a środowisko] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiorniki wodne] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiornik włocławski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Spitsbergen] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rybnicki Okręg Węglowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zakopane] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bułgaria] OR [Subject and Keywords = dolina Wisły] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wieprz \(rzeka\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 53 z. 1 \(1981\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 53 z. 1 \(1981\)]

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