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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = physical geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = hydrography] OR [Subject and Keywords = natural environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = Quaternary substratum] OR [Subject and Keywords = glacial processes] OR [Subject and Keywords = organogenic pseudomorphoses] OR [Subject and Keywords = dunes] OR [Subject and Keywords = man and environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = industry] OR [Subject and Keywords = river water thermal conditios] OR [Subject and Keywords = groundwater level] OR [Subject and Keywords = precipitation] OR [Subject and Keywords = agriculture typology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Upper Silesian Industrial Region] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ropa river valley] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eastern Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = hydrografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = środowisko przyrodnicze] OR [Subject and Keywords = podłoże czwartorzędu] OR [Subject and Keywords = procesy glacjalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = pseudomorfozy organogeniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wydmy] OR [Subject and Keywords = człowiek a środowisko] OR [Subject and Keywords = przemysł] OR [Subject and Keywords = termika wód rzecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = zwierciadło wód podziemnych] OR [Subject and Keywords = opady atmosferyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = typologie rolnictwa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska Wschodnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Górnośląski Okręg Przemysłowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = dorzecze Ropy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Powiśle] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 45 z. 3 \(1973\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 45 z. 3 \(1973\)]

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