Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Europe] OR [Subject and Keywords = school atlases] OR [Subject and Keywords = geographical atlases] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europa \-\- 1815\-1871 \-\- mapy \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Atlasy szkolne \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Atlasy ogólnogeograficzne \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19 w.] OR [Title = Methodischer Hand\-Atlas für das wissenschaftliche Studium der Erdkunde] OR [Title = Methodischer Hand\-Atlas für das wissenschaftliche Studium der Erdkunde] OR [Creator = Sydow, Emil von \(1812–1873\)] OR [Creator = Justus Perthes \(Gotha\)] OR [Creator = Sydow, Emil von \(1812–1873\)] OR [Creator = Justus Perthes \(Gotha\)]