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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = travels] OR [Subject and Keywords = geographical descriptions] OR [Subject and Keywords = Roma] OR [Subject and Keywords = Naples] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neapol \(Włochy\) \-\- opisy i relacje z podróży \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rzym \(Włochy\) \-\- opisy i relacje z podróży \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Relacje z podróży \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Title = Reise in Italien. Bd.. 1, Rom und Neapel] OR [Creator = Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe \(1828–1893\)] OR [Creator = Tiemann, Walter \(1876–1951\)] OR [Creator = Hardt, Ernst \(1876–1947\)]

Number of results: 792

Items per page:

Colón, Cristóbal (1451–1506) Pressel, Friederike Fernández de Navarrete, Martin (1765–1844) J.-C.-Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung (Lipsk). Wydawca

[po 1826]

Benson, Edward Frederic (1867–1940) John Lane and Elkin Mathews - The Bodley Head. Wydawca


Cooley, William Desborough ( –1883) Lardner, Dionysius (1793–1859)


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