Search for: [Subject and Keywords = transport accessibility] OR [Subject and Keywords = Łódzkie voivodship] OR [Subject and Keywords = road infrastructure] OR [Subject and Keywords = private transport] OR [Subject and Keywords = central tendency statistics] OR [Subject and Keywords = dostępność transportowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = województwo łódzkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = infrastruktura drogowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = transport indywidualny] OR [Subject and Keywords = statystyki tendencji centralnej] OR [Title = Zmiany dostępności miast województwa łódzkiego w transporcie indywidualnym w latach 2013\-2015 = Changes in the accessibility to private transport of towns in Poland’s Łódź voivodship in the years 2013\-2015] OR [Creator = Wiśniewski, Szymon]